Proton - Minimal Portfolio Theme

  • Exceptional speed and efficiency.
  • Elegant minimal design.
  • Compatible with Visual Composer.

The Proton theme by NeuronThemes is a minimal portfolio WordPress theme tailored for creatives, designers, photographers, and freelancers. It is celebrated for its unique style, clean code, and a wide array of features that cater to building a highly customizable and versatile portfolio website. With its emphasis on minimalism, Proton ensures that your work stands out in a clean and organized manner, all while maintaining fast loading speeds and being SEO-friendly. This theme is perfect for individuals or agencies that value a professional online presence, offering a blend of aesthetic design and practical functionality.

Speed and Performance

Load Time: 1.31 seconds - Excellent.

proton wordpress theme pageload speed

Performance Score: 81/100 - Good.

proton wordpress theme google pagespeed performance

Proton excels in providing a fast and efficient browsing experience, making it a top choice for users prioritizing speed.

Design and Optimization

proton wordpress theme responsive design

Proton is responsive, with a design that adapts well across devices. Its clean code and minimal excess files contribute to its sleek and optimized performance.


With a good site structure, Schema markup, and Microformats, Proton is well-equipped for SEO, ensuring better visibility on search engines.

Rating and Documentation

Despite the absence of reviews, Proton is well-documented, offering extensive support and resources for users to seamlessly set up and customize their theme.

Demos and Screenshots

Proton provides a single demo, focusing on delivering quality and a clear representation of its capabilities.

proton wordpress theme demo 1

proton wordpress theme demo 2

proton wordpress theme demo 3

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